


每个员工的行为都对维护公司的福利起着重要的作用, 继续尊重, 学院. 每个员工都应该以专业的方式对待他/她的主管, 工作人员, 公众, 学生, 和其他人员. It is also important that employees present an appearance consistent with the nature of the work they are required to do. 员工应避免对学生的安全和/或健康造成不必要的风险, 自己, 或其他人士,并妥善保管书院的财物.

这里不打算详细说明纠正或纪律处分的所有可能原因. 在一般情况下, 然而, corrective or disciplinary action may be taken whenever an employee conducts himself or herself in a manner that is not consistent with the best interests of 学院, 学生, 和它的员工. This corrective or disciplinary action may be initiated by the immediate supervisor with the knowledge of the appropriate College administrator, 或由适当的院长负责, 导演, 业务经理, 助理校园主任, 总统办公室,副总统办公室, 或副校长和校园主任,并直接主管了解. 纠正或纪律处分可能是口头警告, 书面警告,, 带薪或无薪停职, 降级, 重新分配, 或终止雇佣关系. Corrective or disciplinary action other than a verbal warning or 书面警告, may be implemented only with the written approval of the Vice President and Campus 导演.  供总统办公室雇员使用, corrective or disciplinary action other than a verbal warning or written may be implemented only with the written approval of the Vice President with administrative responsibility for division in which the employee is employed.

如果学院决定, 在其自由裁量权, 除解雇外的纠正或纪律处分是必要的, 应适用下列规则:

  1. The employee shall be notified in writing within a reasonable period of time that corrective or disciplinary action is being imposed.
  2. 如果员工不同意口头警告或书面谴责, 他/她可能 状态 the reasons in writing to his/her supervisor and to the Vice President and Campus 导演, or to his/her supervisor and to the Vice President with administrative responsibility for the division to which the employee is assigned for the Office of the President employees.
  3. 如果员工不同意有薪或无薪停职, 降级, 或重新分配, 他/她可能, 通知后二十(20)个工作日内, 根据本手册第XIII节的规定提出纪律申诉.
  4. 所有与纠正或纪律处分有关的文件, 包括口头警告文件, shall be placed in the employee's official personnel file with copies forwarded to the Chief Legal Counsel and Vice President for Human Resources.



第3条规定的除外.08, ( 副总裁的其他条款和条件 )及13.04 ( 解决歧视及不当性行为投诉的程序) , the following procedures shall apply when dismissal of an employee is being considered other than a Vice President. An employee who has been given a Notice of Intention to Terminate may be placed on paid administrative leave until the effective date of termination or the final disposition of a pre-termination hearing, 取较大的.

1. The employee shall be provided with notice of 学院's intention to terminate his or her employment. 终止意向通知应采用书面形式,并应:

A. 说明终止的原因;
B. Be sent by registered or certified mail to the employee at the last address appearing in the employee's personnel file and, 如果已收到代表通知, 通过头等邮件寄给雇员的律师;
C. 告知员工有权要求进行解雇前听证;
D. Advise the employee that his or her employment will terminate without further notice unless a pre-termination hearing is requested; and
E. 附本议事规则副本一份.

2. A request for a pre-termination hearing must be made in writing and delivered to the Vice President and Campus 导演 (or applicable Vice President for Office of the President employees) with a copy to the General Counsel and not later than ten (10) days following the date the Notice of Intention to Terminate is mailed to the employee. 如果员工没有及时提交, 听证会的书面请求, the Notice of Intention to Terminate shall constitute the final notice of termination effective 30 days after the date of mailing. 如果要求举行听证会, it shall be held upon 20 days notice unless the employee and 学院 agree to an earlier hearing date.

3. 总法律顾问及其指定人员应当主持听证会. An independent third party shall be appointed as Hearing Officer in cases where the decision to terminate is made by the General Counsel.

4. 听证会应遵循下列准则:

A. 听证主任应有全权控制听证的进行, 包括承认或排除证据的权力, 对动议和异议作出裁决;
B. The hearing and testimony shall be limited to the reason(s) set forth in the Notice of Intention to Terminate;
C. 听证官将决定雇员是否理解指控, 必要时进行解释;
D. The Hearing Officer shall accept and consider any relevant information or evidence offered by the employee or 学院 and shall not be bound by common-law or statutory rules of evidence or by technical or formal rules of procedure;
E. 听证官可以排除明显不相关的证据, 以及过度重复的证明, 反驳和质证;
F. 道听途说的证据可以采纳,但不得作为终止合同的唯一依据;
G. 双方可由律师代表;
H. 学院应首先提交支持其终止意图的证据, 接下来是员工的回应, 如果有任何. 可以允许任何一方提出进一步的反驳证据, 如果听证主任认为该等证据是必要的;
I. 证人的证言必须宣誓. 证人由听证员或者法庭速记员宣誓;
J. 当事人及其律师可以询问、质证证人. 听证主任也可以询问任何证人;
K. No person other than the respective parties and their counsel shall have the right to attend the hearing. Witnesses shall be sequestered except upon agreement of the parties and the Hearing Officer; and
L. A stenographic record of the hearing may be taken and prepared by a qualified court stenographer at the request of 学院 or the employee and upon prior notice. 不得对诉讼进行其他录音、录像.

5. The Hearing Officer shall submit his or her findings to the applicable Vice President and Campus 导演 or President for Office of the President employees within five (5) days following the conclusion of the hearing for consideration and final determination. Grounds for termination will not have not been established unless one or more of the reasons set forth in the Notice of Intention to Terminate has been established by a preponderance of the evidence.

6. The final decision as to whether to terminate the employee's employment is to be made by the Vice President and Campus 导演 or the Vice President with responsibility for the employee's division for Office of the President employees and is to be based solely on the findings resulting from the pre-termination hearing.

7. 在计算本议事规则规定的期间时, 干预星期六, 星期日和法定假日也包括在内, 除非最后一天是星期六, 星期日或法定假日, 在这种情况下,最后一天应是下一个不是星期六的日子, 星期日或法定假日.